
A Message on Equality

A Message from Mike Fiber, CEO of PRA

We are deeply saddened by the tragic events across our country with the senseless killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor in recent weeks. We share in the deep angst and pent-up pain that is weighing so heavily across our nation.

Racial inequities have upended lives and torn communities apart across our country for far too long. Deep fractures in society are impossible to ignore, and unity is more essential than ever before. It is time that we all reflect and have difficult conversations on the topic of systemic racism and the social injustices people of color face each day.

PRA has an unwavering belief that our diversity as a country, and as an industry, makes us better. As an organization, we condemn all forms of racism, discrimination and social injustice. But what is now painfully clear is that condemnation is not enough. Not being part of the solution ultimately makes us part of the problem – as an organization we cannot and will not remain silent on this issue.

In this time of shared anguish, we must pause and reflect. We must listen. We must learn. And, as we collectively begin to forge a new and better path forward, we must be more than passive observers. We must take action. As an organization, we are committed to understand, recognize, and support the actions we can take to help combat racial injustice and deliver positive change.

We hope you join us.

With sincerity,

Mike Fiber

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